Emily Morin

Front End Developer


Photo of Emily Morin

Curious, detail-oriented developer with a background in the performing arts.

Bringing years of collaborative music-making and a love for languages to my web development work, I dive into the details and look for meaning in how those details connect. I celebrate opportunities to work with a team, finding and incorporating whichever tools are useful for the current project. I approach challenges with a creative and persistent drive to learn as I build.

When not at a computer or a piano, I enjoy traveling, hiking, and board games.


super sticky notes example

Super Sticky Notes

Interactive app built with JavaScript React that lets users create, edit, delete, and search through sticky notes. Event listeners and handlers manage data flow based on the user's actions.

Skills: React, JSX, ES6

Tools: CodeSandbox

Live Page
Emily Morin repo gallery

GitHub Repo Gallery

Gallery of my repositories on GitHub that pulls data from GitHub's API. Includes dynamic search and view of each repository's details.

Skills: JavaScript, REST API

Tools: VS Code, GitHub Pages

Live Page
guess the word game example

Guess the Word Game

Game built with vanilla JavaScript. The user has 8 guesses to reveal each letter of a hidden word. Includes async/await function to get a new random word from JSON data with each restart.

Skills: JavaScript

Tools: VS Code, GitHub Pages

Live Page
unplugged retreat homepage

Unplugged Retreat

3-page responsive tech retreat website, built from a Photoshop design comp.

Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox

Tools: Photoshop, VS Code, GitHub Pages

Live Page


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Flexbox
  • Responsive Design
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Command Line
  • Git & GitHub
  • VS Code
  • Sublime Text
  • CodeSandbox
  • Chrome DevTools